Experiencing Android, it's great-!!

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本來想寫好幾篇有(無)趣的 Android 軟體應用 blogging,或許也寫幾支想買的 #Android 手機...但 Softwares/OS pk想來有點無聊,開發還真快!兩邊不足/缺乏的,流行軟體大都兩星期內互換及補上。

後來想寫一下 iPhone 前用家跟 Android 現疫者的 PK感想...
我總結的 iPhone 是『投入』、『無名情熱』跟『爽!快!』;

Android 恐佈在於『託負』!google重度使用者尤
→ 簡直有如負託終生於雲端 → 付錢把自己賣掉給 google

這是我第一次最貼身開始感受到 cloud computing, 儘管下支手機可能是 iPhone 4G, Android moto, Palm webOS;來來回回,我等 Droids之流還是會 trapped 在 google服務群。

美國 Mac OS使用者升到 12.x%,但大都家裡有台 PC;google web services users 郤不一定需要再尋其他服務供應者;Android 使用過後,我有比之前期待 Android Netbook or Chrome OS desktop 耶-!!! (高度提升)

Android 海機戰第一個會打倒/蠶食的我覺得是 RIM > WM/ Symbian > 然後 iPhone,用法其實有不同。


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哇.......list price升左幾千銀仲要乜extra config都未加....


2009-10-08 無無謂謂又使一筆...

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Cowon S9 音質真係名過其實,都唔Gd人點聽o既-!!!

不過換左個 UI 靚o左同順o左勁多,爽爽爽~~~

個 mon 真係好正,放左d相入去,仲靚過係大 mon 睇....



- 10 對笨爛佬襪,盛惠一舊水

- 毫無預警、難以想像的買左對 crocs-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 試左 $50蚊/10mins 剪髮,隨便修修,絕對係我手勢剪得好過佢!!!

Recent New Toyz...

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Call :-
1) HTC Hero - from yahoo auction
2) Cowon S9 16Gb - from Amazon (sponsored by redeem coupon xD)

Put :-
a) iPod 3Gen 40Gb(loss)
b) Sony Eggo D77


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makes me feel happie~!!

inside-out & outside-in~ wakakakaka~~~~

[Blog] Revamped

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process much faster than i thought...widgets r really cool to stuff our web sites!!!

Actually much less time is needed may coz of low requirements....HAHAHAHA~

but i'm happie w/ it~!!! 

things changed :-
1) redirect my own domain vienneng.com to this blogspot
which is sth i wanna do for donkey's years!!!!!!! YO~~~~~

2) finally willing to give up de old stupid blog template which i edited for so many nitez...
forgive sth in exchange for sth new.....those facebook & twitter.........

3) satisfied w/ the new simple copy & pasted template....
hope to blog more freq-ly in the future....
the old cherry juz discouraged me fr doin' so~!!!

4) the only 2 things i still wanna amend....
a) favicon not fixed-! no matter how many sites i surf & follow.....still try & errorz!!!!
b) linked fb profile widget but not working....
will figure it out if it's coz of fb privacy setting later~!!

5) a foto album widget will be a gd suggestion.....still thinking abt it.....
but fix the (4b) may help me fixing the fb photo widget too........



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HA~ zark yat but yu cong yat...

i started revamp~ing this blog last nite......

yet, i duno it's coz of my facebook privacy setting or wat.....

the fb widgets tt i added r not working-!!!

p.s. back to simple....nth much will left.....

i even didn't backup my old template.....lol...


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- 兩件T
- 一對藍色鞋
- 兩個袋
- 一副超、一副眼鏡@北角和平

4 台聯播

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去做一個無無聊聊既 seminar





拜服 <O>

My first test of Canon 40D video recording performance

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need computer support but really kinda fun!

the file is soooooo huge, OMG~!!